Just a Thought...
I don't know why people judge others, don't they have their own work or job to do instead of criticizing someone. There are many introvert people like me who love to be left alone and not disturbed, still, people make it their life's aim to irritate us, talk behind us and make us feel not worthy. Well, it should not matter how people think about us in theory but in reality, it does matter, it hurts. Some of us are not introvert always they try to be more social, but society pokes them on their first try and makes less confident which pushes them towards introvertness. If a person is not social, I mean that he doesn't meet many people, lives alone, does it make them less of a human or subject of discussion, only God knows. I have been trying to be an idle child for my parents, not in a way like Shravan Kumar, but more like career-wise. I try to do everything that will make my career better and in turn my parents happy. I have be...